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Thursday, 12 March 2009


Bill Bowman

Admit it, you just want to see her nekked.

Justified Right

Nothing gets past Bill Bowman :-)

Franklin's Locke

Good grief…progressive conservative? What is that!? They are RINOs. They are moderates. These people are what is wrong with the GOP right now. These people need to go away. They are hurting the cause and “turning off” the base.

You are absolutely right. There are two reasons she is getting press. One, she is hot. Two, she is another moderate, like Frum, Brooks, and others that meet the media’s template for what they want the GOP to be. No substance. Just someone who is kowtowing to the media.


Joe Hadden

Last year's race for the GOP nomination was wide open, there was no incumbent Pres. or VP running. It represented a perfect opportunity for a "real conservative" to step forward and take hold of the party.

It didn't happen. What did? How did John McCain, the guy you're all bitching about get nominated by the party? Where was the conservative movement and its candidate to keep someone like John McCain from representing the party?

First, look at the candidates who most resembled "real conservatives," Tom Tancredo and Duncan Hunter. Why didn't their campaigns take off? Certainly, they qualify as conservative, but where were all of the conservatives to back them? If there are an overwhelming number of conservatives why didn't these two real conservatives gain any traction?

They didn't look like they could win. For all the talk of principles and looking for a "real conservative" the two who fit the bill were treated as far right non-entities by the press and that treatment was endorsed by the Republican party, conservatives included.

Thankfully, a conservative with real star power was convinced he should run. Fred Thompson's poll numbers were never higher than just before he entered the race. His lack of interest in campaigning and the lack of overwhelming support from "real conservatives" had him out of the race after South Carolina.

There were essentially three candidates left with any shot at winning the nomination. That McCain guy. Mike Huckabee, who was religious enough, but was not a conservative when it came to policy. Finally, there was Mitt Romney who had a record more liberal than the other two candidates but proved he was willing to tell conservatives he would do whatever they wanted. So the guy who was a bigger flip-flopper than the previous Presidential candidate from Massachusetts was the decided choice of the conservative wing of our party.

McCain won primarily on name recognition and the fact that Huckabee and Romney split the conservative vote.

If the conservative movement defines what it is to be a Republican, how did it fail to get a "real conservative" nominated to run against Barack Obama?

One might suggest that conservatives were disjointed and simply don't have their act together. I reject that notion. I have always been blown away by just how organized and pro-active the conservative wing of our party has been over the years. Conservatives are true die- hards.

I would submit that there simply aren't enough conservatives to dominate an election or a primary. I think you overestimate your numbers.

If conservatives are unswayed by the media and popular opinion, which I believe is the case, what other answer is possible? Are you going to tell me they stayed home during the primaries and on Election Day? I don't buy it. That would be petty and it would represent the willful destruction of our country if they stayed home in November and let Obama win the election given what most conservatives think of our current President.

So be careful before you rant on about disowning the moderates. There are obviously a lot of us out there. I find fault with those who are disrespectful of conservatives or downplay what they bring to the table just as I have grown tired of the moronic "RINO" label.

I am a Republican because we are the party of grown-ups. We understand how politics work and know how to get things done. Let's prove that.

Larry Vecellio

I saw her on Fox News and my first thought was "This person needs to get out of the lime light...she looked terrible in the black dress and gold shoes,,,she looked like she still had on the clothes from her father's failures to stand up to anyone." Please do not place this person on TV again.


As a Republican, I am more concerned about how the extreme right has hijacked the party. Washington needs leaders and showing the ability to work both sides of the isle is what a true leader does.
Having the extreme right side dictate how every American should live is just as bad as having the extreme left dictate our lives. Neither is true reflection of our free society and neither extreme should be given full reign.
McCain shows leadership and should be thanked and praised for his ability to move forward in light of the extreme partisanship games being played in Washington.
We need MORE McCains in politics, not less.

Phil Christopherson

There are a lot more McCains - the democrat party is full of them. We need more and stronger conservatives in the republican party. Those who think and act like McCain need to go support the democrat party. It is way past time for the McCain's to just go away.

Ray Errol Fox

I ask all my Republican friends how they can still hold their heads up after the last eight years. You can hold yours high--what a fine, intelligently-written piece! I'll take exception with your remark about Kerry, petty and unbecoming of you, but we're all entitled to be snide once in awhile in the service of beliefs we hold dear. I've been even more self-indulgent, and while I think you'll agree with my remarks about McCain (and even want to elaborate), you predictably won't like what I have to say about conservative Republicans today. You're someone I'd enjoy agreeing to disagree with, so please take a look at the two most recent posts on my blog, http://sonofthecucumberking.blogspot.com/ and even read a little further back, as I intend to do with your entries. Good to know--and respect--you.

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